Thursday 26 August 2010

Holiday Reading

I'm starting university in a few weeks to study English Literature, so I've been reading a lot this summer. While on holiday in Italy, I read these six books:
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood - I've never read anything quite like this book before - the story line and the world the author created seemed innovative and quite unique to me. There was a sense of mystery that prevailed throughout the book - like the handmaiden, the reader can never be quite sure of everything that it going on, especially as the handmaiden never reveals her real name. 
We Need To Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver - I was a bit dubious about starting this book; it is told in the form of letters from a mother, whose son has been on a murder spree in his school, to her husband. My mum, who read the book and loved it a few years ago, encouraged me to continue reading the book and overcome my reluctance. I'm so glad I did, I've never read anything quite like this book before. By the end, reading became compulsive and I skipped what I am assured was a delicious lunch to finish it. The book is quite unsettling and I didn't sleep the night after I finished it, because my head was buzzing because I was thinking about it so much. 
Harry Potter 1, 2, 3 by J.K. Rowling - I have obviously read these books before, but after the drama and intensity of We Need To Talk About Kevin, I needed something a little lighthearted that I didn't need to think about too much. I have to say, it was nice to read them again.
Perfume by Patrick Suskind - I've wanted to read the book for quite a while, and I was rather disappointed in it. I liked the writing style - it reminded me a little of Bret Easton Ellis', but the plot was a bit bland, with the end easily predicted, and the reader didn't feel empathy or sympathy for the main character. 
Flo x

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